English version only for information. In the event of any differences in translations or interpretations, the French version shall prevail.
Article 1
The present website (hereinafter “the site”) belongs to the law firm Lion’s Law (hereinafter “the firm”), whose office is established at 1180 Uccle, Drève du Sénéchal 19, registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0839.100.676.
Article 2
The use of the site is subject to the present terms and conditions of use. Visiting the site implies the acceptance of these conditions. The firm reserves the right to adapt the present terms and conditions at any time, without prior notice and without any restriction.
Article 3
All the content made available on the site (which may include text, images, audio, video, software and other) or through it is intended purely for general information purposes and does not constitute legal advice, customer poaching or an offer for legal services. In particular, the mere use of the site does not imply that the visitor is or becomes client of the firm. Although best effort is made by the firm to ensure the quality of the content made available on the site, there is no guarantee of the exactitude, the completeness, and the currency of the information provided. In any case, the firm will not be liable for their use and the consequences which may result from this use.
Article 4
The visitors use the site at their sole responsibility. Any download or other mean of transfer of data is entirely at the risk of the users.
The firm will not be liable for any form of malfunction of the site resulting from a technical failure, virus or maintenance. On the other hand, the firm does not bear any responsibility for damages resulting from the use of the site or from any kind of manipulation by third parties.
Finally, the firm disclaims all liability with regard to the contents of external links. The content of the websites to which those external links lead is the exclusive responsibility of their owners. Those external links should be considered only as an addition to the information made available on the site.
Article 5
The site uses SSL technology (Secure Socket Layer) for the online payments. This technology is used to secure the transmission of data over the internet. It encrypts and protects the data transmitted with the help of the HTTPS protocol. The SSL assures that the data will not be intercepted by fraudsters.
With that being said, even though it has taken all technical measures in order to guarantee optimal security of the data transfer, the firm declines any liability for any risk of malicious acts or fraudulent interception that could occur during the transfer of data.
Article 6
The firm offers to the visitors of the site templates of legal documents prepared by its lawyers.
Those are templates, drafted in general terms and offered only as an example. They should be completed and if needed modified in order to adapt them to the particularities of each case before being used.
The firm declines any liability whatsoever related to the use of those documents. Furthermore, the user downloading these templates of legal documents and using them renounces explicitly to engage the responsibility of the firm, even in case of errors and/or omissions, should they be obvious or not.
In addition, despite the care and rigor brought to the control of the documents loaded on the site, the firm cannot guarantee the permanent update of those documents.
Those templates of legal documents are protected by the intellectual property rights of the firm. Any partial or total reproduction, diffusion, translation, adaptation or integration under any form whatsoever is forbidden without the express prior written approval of the firm.
The consumer downloading those templates of legal documents before expiry of the legal withdrawal period of 14 days acknowledges that he thereby loses his right of withdrawal and agrees expressly with that.
Article 7
Users hereby agree to use the site in accordance with the law, the legal and contractual provisions. They shall not use this website in any way which could harm the interests of the firm or those of its clients.
Article 8
All of the content made available on the site and its compilation and arrangement (text, pictures, images, icons, videos, software, databases, data, etc.) are protected by the intellectual property rights of the firm.
Any partial or total reproduction, diffusion, translation, adaptation or integration in another site under any form whatsoever is forbidden without the express prior written approval of the firm.
Article 9
The present terms and conditions of use are subject to Belgian law. Any dispute arising from or related to the use of the site will be subject to conciliation between the parties. If the attempt of conciliation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to the French speaking Courts of the Brussels bar (Belgium). However, the firm reserves the right to introduce the case to any other Courts should it consider it necessary.
Article 10
In the event that any of the clauses of the present terms and conditions is partly or totally found to be null or un-executable, all other clauses shall remain applicable.